The VID Crispy Mint Slim Extra Strong is a mint-flavoured product in a Slim format, offering an Extra Strong nicotine strength. Each can contains 20 pouches.
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VID Crispy Mint Slim Extra Strong is a product by the brand VID, manufactured by Kurbits Snus AB. This product falls under the category of Nicotine Pouches and comes in a Slim format. It does not contain tobacco but contains nicotine. The nicotine strength is defined as Extra Strong, catering to experienced consumers.
The product type is Nicotine Pouches, with the primary flavour being mint. Designed in a Slim format, the nicotine strength is categorised as Extra Strong. Each pouch contains 9,6 mg of nicotine, equating to 16 mg/g, making it suitable for those seeking a higher nicotine content.
VID Nicotine Pouches is a brand from the Swedish manufacturer Kurbits Snus AB. The brand was founded in 2021 and is known for its tobacco-free nicotine pouches. VID offers a variety of flavours and nicotine strengths, addressing a wide range of preferences.
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Brand | VID |
Flavour | Mint |
Format | Slim |
Strength | Extra Strong |
Product Type | Nicotine Pouches |
Nicotine Content (mg/pouch) | 9,6 |
Nicotine Content (mg/g) | 16 |
Pouches Per Can | 20 pcs |
Product Series | VID Nicotine Pouches |
Ph value | 8.40 |
Manufacturer | Kurbits Snus AB |
Publish date | 2021-06-08 |
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