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Lighten the Load on Your Shoulders

Professor Nyström has recently published his latest book entitled Lighten the load on your shoulders and it is being seen as an antidote to the trend of increasingly restrictive ‘boring’ health commands regulating our lives. 


Disproving so-called lifestyle ‘truths’

In his book, Professor Nyström navigates a range of scientific studies that disprove many of the so-called ‘truths’ about how to achieve physical and mental health and he does so in a humorous and engaging way.

Readers can enjoy learning about how:

  • Too much exercise can be bad for your health 
  • The right amount of red wine can be good for your health
  • Nicotine can help reduce stress and increase your focus 
  • Eating fruits and vegetables and cutting fat from your diet can be bad for you
  • Being cold can help you to lose weight


A key message from this book is that happy people live longer lives. So much health guidance these days makes people feel guilty about the small moments of joy they get from a good meal, a glass of wine, some snus, a vape, or a coffee.

We need to regain balance in the discussion of diet and lifestyle. Professor Nyström wants us to think about ‘Lifestyle 2.0’ and how taking a common-sense approach to lifestyle allows us to leave guilt behind, enjoy life a little and “lighten the load on your shoulders”.  

Lighten the load on your shoulders is available to buy now on Amazon

Q&A with Professor Nyström

What inspired you to write this book?

The fact that many of my patients, and even my colleagues in the medical profession, have so many misconceptions about how to stay healthy. That much of the health advice given by the authorities is counterproductive and can induce worse health since they induce anxiety. Sometimes they may even increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, if you were to follow the advice.


You have challenged several widely believed ‘health commands’ in this book – which ones do you think might surprise readers most?

When I teach medical students, they always seem surprised by the fact that low-fat food and increased exercise have never been proven to improve health in the long run. Nowadays, many are surprised by my new findings regarding nicotine, that high doses of nicotine in snus do not increase glucose or insulin when tested in a very controlled laboratory setting. 


There seems to be a lot of uncertainty about nicotine, its benefits and risks. What is your perspective on nicotine use?

Being Swedish I have been part of the transition from smoking to using snus and nicotine pouches. I salute my patients who managed to make such a transition since I consider it to be an immense harm reduction. We have also monitored subjects who managed to quit using snus for more than 3 months and found that they did not seem to get healthier. In fact, they increased bodyweight and had higher blood pressure.  However, the scientific paper on that trial is currently under peer review, so it is not presented in my book. But it is of course part of my strong belief that nicotine in purer forms than smoking may even have health promoting effects and can help in keeping weight under control. 


Is there a message that you would like the reader to take away from your book?

Yes, read it and feel healthier and more content with yourself! Allow yourself more pleasures in life!  As a doctor and a scientist, I have thoroughly researched these topics, and I provide scientific references at the end of the book that support my positions. Lighten the load on your shoulders with my help!

About Professor Fredrik Nyström, MD

professor nyström

Professor Nyström has been a doctor for more than 36 years and is a specialist in endocrinology including the study of hormone-producing glands and organs, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes.

He has published more than 150 scientific papers and has been the primary tutor for 9 PhD students. His complete biography and publication list can be viewed here: Professor Nyström Bio

Media appearances

Professor Nyström is a regular media commentator and has appeared in a wide variety of international media including the BBC for which he was part of the film “Why are thin people not fat”, ITV, The Guardian and New Scientist.

He was also recently invited as an expert to the SANT Committee of the European Parliament on the metabolic effects of snus. He was a consultant on the production of Dr Michael Mosley’s “Celebrity Junk Food Experiment” on ITV. The first edition of Professor Nyström’s popular scientific book “Radically Moderate” sold out in two weeks in Sweden.  

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