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Young adults choose vapes over cigarettes

Young Adults Choose Vapes Over Cigarettes

A new report from Office for National Statistics show that smoking continues to decline in the UK, particularly among young adults. At the same time, the use of e-cigarettes has increased in the same age group. 

The trend is similar to that in Norway, where one generation at a time is shifting from smoking to smoke-free nicotine,
– Markus Lindblad, Head of Communications at Haypp.

Smoking Rates in the UK Continue to Decline

The use of cigarettes has steadily decreased in the UK since 2011, dropping from 20 percent to 12 percent in 2023, according to the latest report from the Office for National Statistics.

However, the report shows that smoking habits vary significantly between age groups.

Younger citizens smoke to a far lesser extent compared to older individuals. In the 18-24 age group, 9.8 percent smoke, while 14 percent of those aged 25-35 do.

The lowest percentage of smokers is found among the oldest population, aged 65 and over, where 8.9 percent use cigarettes.

Rise in Vaping as Smoking Declines

While smoking is declining, the proportion of vapers has increased in the country and currently averages 5.9 percent. In the younger age group of 18 to 24 years, the figure is closer to 9 percent.

Of all daily vapers, only 1.2 percent report that they have never smoked before, indicating that e-cigarettes primarily attract established or occasional smokers to smoke-free alternatives.

Markus Lindblad sees similar trends in the UK as in other countries where smoke-free nicotine products are gaining market share.

The development resembles what has happened in Norway, where smoking has more or less disappeared among younger age groups. In Norway, it’s mainly a variant of nicotine pouches that is driving this change. In the UK, it’s e-cigarettes. We also see similar trends among older individuals, where smoking is still more common. It simply seems that younger people lead the way, while those who have smoked longer find it harder to accept ‘something new.’ But that doesn’t mean it’s not possible,” 
– Markus Lindblad

Optimism for Continued Decline in Smoking in the UK

He remains hopeful that the trend in the UK will continue. In Sweden, where Haypp originated, the smoking rate is 5.6 percent of the population.

This is a figure that is close to the target set by the British government’s initiatives to reduce smoking.

In Sweden, the transition to smoke-free alternatives has likely contributed to the stable decline in smoking, something Markus Lindblad believes could also happen in the UK.

“In Sweden, this transition has occurred evenly across the population over a long time. Swedish snus primarily attracted men, the group that today smokes the least, but as tobacco-free nicotine pouches became popular, women are also approaching these lower levels. We also know from our own customer surveys that it is mainly former smokers who purchase these products,” Markus posits.

“It’s clear that the new tobacco-free alternatives attract smokers, whether in Sweden, Norway, or England. With the right incentives, these alternatives can lead to fewer people starting to smoke, but also more quitting or switching to much less harmful alternatives,” concludes Markus Lindblad.

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